AuthorDonna Martelli is a Christian freelance writer who is passionate about sharing the wealth of knowledge that the Lord has given her in her 30+ years of loving and serving Him. She has written three books, course manuals, book summaries, blogs, articles, and devotionals for many ministries, including but not limited to John 3:16 Ministries, Inc., Pastor Duke Tabor, and Faithwriters. Donna writes out of her own varied life experiences, including those of dancer, instructor, file clerk, business owner, real estate salesperson, wife and mother. Her goal in writing is to glorify God and to bless and help people reach their full potential in this life. She lives in Indianapolis, Indiana, is married with five children and 12 grandchildren. Archives
December 2024
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6/18/2024 Unlikely Encounter(This article is fiction.)
Simone laughed to herself. So far, this trip had been a little bozo, but now a large mocha latte with extra whipped cream would make things right. The cool whipped cream, followed by the warm, sweet coffee and chocolate, was sheer delight. She was enraptured by her drink when an elderly Asian woman interrupted her, "Is it all right if I sit here?" "Sure," she answered. The table was plenty large enough for two. The woman grabbed her cup of strong black java and sat across from Simone. "What's your name?" In a quiet little voice, she answered, "Mona." "Do you live here?" She was looking all around as if she thought someone might be listening. “No, I am from China. What about you?" "I am from Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. I came here to visit a friend." Barely above a whisper, Mona let forth a rant: "First, I am running from my abusive husband in China. I am afraid he might come after me. I am in big trouble because I am a Christian, and I know some things about Covid that I am not supposed to know. I worked in the Wuhan lab and know that the pandemic was planned." "Wait," Simone stopped her, "why are you telling me this? You don't know me. What if I was sent here to detain you and take you back to China?" She smiled sweetly at Simone, "Because I can sense your spirit. I know that you belong to Jesus. You must go deeper with Him, but I know you belong to Him." "Wow, I am amazed. I have never seen or heard of anything like that." "But you will," she continued. "I overheard nurses, doctors, and political people discussing how and when it would be spread. Some soldiers thought they were getting a new kind of flu shot, but actually, they were given the virus. These soldiers all worked internationally, and each had an assigned territory where they worked. The virus was deployed worldwide very quickly. It is definitely a control mechanism to get everyone lined up and ready for this new global order. Did you know that wearing a mask is an occultic ritual initiation, and it has the power to change a person? It is an assault on individuality and a shutting of the mouths of those with personal opinions." "Wow. Miss Mona, I had no idea. So, let's say everyone becomes an automaton that accepts the new order. Then what?" "With everyone bowing down to the new order, a one-world government would emerge. That's what they want, you know." "I have heard that, but tell me, who are you referring to when you say they want this new world government?" "Oh, my dear, it's everyone who has rejected God and, specifically, His Son, Jesus. They have decided to go along with their father, satan. He has always wanted to overthrow God and rule the world with his lies and evil schemes. That, of course, involves getting rid of all believers like us. Now, China is playing a significant part in this. They almost have the US under their thumb. How many items do you own that are 'made in China?' I rest my case." Simone looked at her purse. The tag inside it said, "Made in China". So it was with her wallet, her makeup, even her mask! Simone's eyes were opened to things she had never before imagined. She felt unworldly, even sad, but strangely ready to face the challenge of bucking the system and living by the truth. What should she do next? She was appalled when she thought of everything she owned that was "made in China." Most of them had no alternative source. "Mona, tell me about China." Mona maintained her secretive posture and began, "You know China has world domination as its goal. They believe they can do it, and look how far they have come." "That is what satan wants to do! He is the father of lies, and deceit is his modus operandi. Don't they realize this?" "Some do; most do not. No matter whether they believe it or not, it is true. Remember, satan is temporarily the 'god of this world, the prince of the power of the air.'" This shook Simone. "So, whatever can we do to make things right?" "First, we pray and stay close to God. Secondly, we make the truth known wherever we can. That means we speak what God's Word says, not our opinions. Thirdly, we refuse to buy anything with that label. On another note, masks are gags, a symbol of subservience. They are intentionally humiliating. That is why people resist them, and at the same time, they are being made mandatory. Masks have nothing to do with the coronavirus. They aim to initiate all people into the new world order and clarify their position in it. In the occultic sense, wearing the mask enables the wearer to bring to life and perhaps even become the personality or spirit the mask represents. This is no feeble tale; it is a spiritual force that we must stand against. It has been around for centuries." "I feel helpless, like I want to hide away from all of this," Simone sighed, "But I realize that is selfish and wrong. I need to learn more and get closer to God. I have been a Christian for years but never thought much about world events. Now I see that I need Him in every area of life." Mona smiled that sweet, knowing smile and nodded in the affirmative. "so be it with the masks, never intended for anything to do with COVID, but for psychological, i.e., ritual programming. It is like what the Bible calls 'Mystery Babylon,' which means 'silent confusion.' What can we do about that one ritual? It is relatively simple and obvious: opt-out and refuse to participate." With that, Mona gathered her things and said she had to move on. "Wait, Miss Mona, can we meet again to discuss more?" "No, I'm afraid not. Just take heed to what I have shared with you. Blessings." Simone and Mona never met again.
6/13/2024 TimelessLife outside of time refers to a mode of existence not bound by the constraints of temporal succession: the linear progression from past to present to future. We must let go of our limited concept of time to begin to understand this. "Jesus said to them, 'Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.'" John 8:58 (NKJV) God lives outside of time; His existence is permanent, and He is always present. He has no beginning or end. There is no before or after, only an eternal present. His Name is I AM, not I Was or I Will Be. "The eternal God is your refuge." Deuteronomy 33:27 (NKJV) Solomon said in Ecclesiastes 3:15 (NKJV), "That which is has already been, And what is to be has already been; And God requires an account of what is past." This concept is difficult to understand because, in our temporal experience, change is a fundamental aspect of life; things grow, decay, begin, and end. Outside of time, change as we know it does not occur. Conversely, life that is not limited by time can be seen as unchanging, permanent, fully realized, and complete. Eternity is not just an endless duration but a state where time as we know it doesn't apply. Think of it as a continuous 'now,' where the past, present, and future are simultaneously occurring and experienced. In other words, eternity is now. There is only now. It's essential to recognize that our language and cognitive tools are limited when it comes to genuinely understanding concepts that are inherently beyond our temporal experience. Eternity and life outside of time remain profound and often mysterious subjects that challenge our conventional ways of thinking. To offer a simplistic explanation, imagine a movie where an observer exists outside the screen. This observer can immediately see the entire film, beginning, middle, and end, without being bound by the movie's timeline. For the characters in the film, time flows normally, but for the observer, it's all present at once. When we are born, we enter eternity even though time limits us temporarily. When this short life on earth is over, we will step outside of time. Where will we be? That is up to every person individually. God offers His gift of eternal life to anyone who will come to Him and acknowledge Jesus as Lord and Savior. He paid all our debts with His precious blood, and when we believe Him, He calls us righteous. That means we are restored to a proper and loving relationship with God, our Father, Jesus, His Son, and the Holy Spirit, our Counselor, Comforter, and Teacher. "And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." John 17:3 (NKJV) Hallelujah, what an awesome God He is! He loves us beyond what we could begin to think or imagine. Let's choose Jesus today and live with Him eternally. |